What more unique to Belfast than the Ulster Fry. On this documentary my roles where editor and sound, I recorded on a zoom digital recorder and shooting in different locations meant a whole lot of different problems. In brights café sound was a problem as the air ventilation had a loud humming sound which was disturbing to over come this I had to ask for it to be turned down but I couldn't get it turned much as others were working around us to minimise the atmos i used a Sennheiser microphone with a wind breaker attached.
The next location was situated in St George's Market where we interview Sandra who claims to have the best Ulster fry in Belfast, I captured the atmosphere of the market and there was no real problem here. I had to ask the interviewee and interviewer to speak up a bit as the atmosphere was over powering.
The post production on Come Fry With Me was relatively easy during this I had to colour correct the footage and arrange the levels of sound, as editor it was my job to make the documentary come to life I had to make decisions with the director about which pieces of the interview would make the final cut after I showed the ruff cut to the director I then knew what to take out and put in, for example in the final cut I had to add more cut aways through the interview segments.
If you would like to watch Come Fry With Me click the link below: